What’s All This About

“An alleged scientific discovery has no merit unless it can be explained to a barmaid.”

Lord Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937)

There is a disparity between the scientific community and everybody else- especially regarding the field of Infectious Diseases and Immunology. This is seen, for example, in the strong anti-vaccination movement, and in the prevailing myth that accuses rain of making people sick (I’m sorry… but that one’s false). This disparity has been built through many factors. Of those, an important factor is the scientific vocabulary one needs to be equipped with to effectively understand peer-reviewed material, and to distinguish between science and quackery. It is easy (and not surprising) to drone out of a conversation that seems too technical and to be inclined towards one that offers a more simplistic view.

A brainchild of Ziad Shafi, infectiousme follows the ideology of Lord Ernest Rutherford, and attempts to break this disparity by posting about topics that fall under Infectious Diseases (mostly virology) and Immunology in a most simplistic and thorough way possible. The entire point of this initiative is to turn this into a blog that a fifteen year-old could read, and through which, understand fully, say, poliovirus and the historical, social, and scientific impact caused by the virus.

The author of this blog is currently pursuing his undergraduate studies at University of Richmond in Chemistry, and Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.

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